The Long Tail

Social Media Revolution

We’re living amidst a revolution.

This video is a commercial (too commercial) about a book (name in the end of the video), and social media is in fact part of the entire revolution sprectrum, but the data is really interesting and the music… amazing.

By the way, I’ve read the book.

Content is the King

Semantics, the study of meaning. Is part of the linguistics focussed on sense and meaning of language or symbols of language.  It is the study of interpretation of signs or symbols as used by agents or groups within particular circumstances and contexts. Semantics asks, how sense and meaning of complex concepts can be derived from simple concepts based on the rules of syntax. The semantics of a message depends on its context and pragmatics.

Syntax, as in grammatics denotes the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages.
In formal Languages, syntax is just a set of rules, by which well formed expressions can be created from a fundamental set of symbols, or alphabet. In computer science, syntax defines the normative structure of data.

Context denotes the surrounding in an expression. Its relationship with surrounding expressions and further related elements.
Contexts denotes all elements of any sort of communication that define the interpretation of the communicated content, general, personal or social content.

Pragmatics reflects the intention by which the language is used to communicate a message. In linguistics pragmatics denotes the study of applying language in different situations. It also denotes the intended purpose of the speaker. Pragmatics studies the ways in which context contributes to meaning.

Experience considers all information that you have learned and put in context with the world you are living in.


One Size Doesn’t Fit All

The new consumer and its choice alternatives


{Infinite Loop} Begin;

“As we get deeper into filters and how they work, it helps to get an overview of their many types.

Let’s start with music.

Here are some of the many different filter types a typical user on Rhapsody might encounter in a single session as she or he looks for new music.

From the front page, a user might start with category, wich is a form of a multi-level taxonomy.

Let’s say you begin in Alternative/Punk and then choose the subgenre Punk Funk. In that category, there’s a best-seller list, wich is led by Bloc Party… If you click on Block Party, you’ll find that pattern matching has created a list of related artists, wich includes the Gang of Four. A click on that produces the list of “followers”, wich is a form of editor recommendation (you may also be pesuaded by the editorial review).

Among those…

View original post 469 more words

Netflix stays in the picture

I have Netflix at home, my kids prefere it than cable television, as well as I prefere to get rid of commercial intervals. I basicaly watch kids content.The content is of good (average) quality, even though I think it have to get better, especially in the kids section. Over all, the price factor is really attractive, and the hardware independence is something very subtle and interesting.
The best part is to eliminate conventional broadcasters and their sponsors.

Long live to technology.

Intellingence Insertion

There is a very different set of skills used by people when writing than skills used when programming computers; the narrative, the discourse, sequences, scenes created when writing about anything are derived from a structured intelligence.When programming we’re in fact driving hardware trough different situations. Software is very specialized intelligence applied to objective situations, deriving with circumstances to take optimal decisions.

Rational perspective, reductionism, no subjective experience considered.

But with a bit of time, humanity will give raise to intelligence insertion in very singular aspects of life, giving the old time called “hardware”, machines, a sentimental aspect, able to offer a unique experience in terms of personal, sentimental and financial  returns.

When telling a story or listening to one, you’re interacting with some sort of knowledge, and independent if purposeful or not, propagating a message. From a modern perspective, the 21st century citizen cannot resume an event labeled a “message” in a one dimension, flat experience, resumed by the one line sender-receiver model; all the individual experience is relevant, from behavior to genes, from time to platform to circumstances, people are exposed to personal limitations, what makes the decision process restricted, when in fact regular problems are easy to solve and have optimal choices for long term benefit.

Long term and benefit are both questionable. Indeed, a configuration problem.

Software intelligence is similar to decision making, take chances, choose among options and set the information when seeking answers to most known problems.

Don’t think its new.

New is in the insertion of artificial intelligence in the life of a Digital Native.

The possibility of solving more complex problems in less time with ease and convenience.

Once again, think about the story telling, the writing skills used to create and propagate intelligence through time is human craft, as well as a school sheet, a poem, a computer virus and artificial intelligence that can develop more artificial intelligence, and has to be considered from the perspective of the 21st century Digital Native, and from that point beyond.

Remember this people are, by the year 2013, 15 years the most, and are still shaping the society they will live influenced by the opinions and obviously the consequences of the 20th century mindset. But they will prevail.

They will rise and give birth to absolutely new trends, discover alternative paths as well as new subjects that will shape the new society, the digital era. Total disruption. It has always been like that. Which is your side?

Do you understand the social networks and the new forms of expression, opinion, behavior and ethics?

Do you understand of what a smartphone is capable of in terms of computing power?

Did you ever joined  a virtual community?

Can you deal with change every day? Are you used to it?

Have you ever needed an eye surgery or MIS (Minimal Invasive Surgery) procedure?

Do you have software program speeding your brain?

Do you consider a radical change in the treatment of diseases, living habits and longevity?

Not that fast, not that radical maybe, but you have the choice to learn, the choice to adapt, the option to understand the born of a new society from its very beginning, the second decade of the digital era.

You are living the very beginning of the Digital Revolution.

Welcome to the new.

The Biological Path

“Two billion years ago, our ancestors were microbes; half-billion years ago, fish; a hundred million years ago, something like mice; ten million years ago, arboreal apes; and a million years ago, proto-humans puzzling out the taming of fire. Our evolutionary lineage is marked by mastery of change. In our times, the pace is quickening.”

–Carl Sagan

This supports the theory of Accelerating Returns proposed in Ray Kurzweil’s view of the Singularity.

A cloud computing approach make sense from hardware, software and distribuion strands. Read a nice article about cloud computing; growth, basics and performance.

AnaTango Insight

When it comes to visualizing how effective cost savings can be in a cloud-based environment its time to learn a new acronym to better understand what is ‘efficient computing’.  Get to know MIPS, that is “Million of Instruction Per Second” or more specifically the cost of those MIPS.

In this case what’s good for business can also be great for investors says Fidelity’s Gavin Baker, manager of Fidelity’s OTC Portfolio (FOCPX)

When it comes to cloud computing its really about “going back to the future”

“The first wave of computing focused on the mainframe and minicomputer, which centralized processing power. A second stage was anchored by the PC and client-server architectures—which moved the computing power out to every desk and server closet,” Baker explains.

“Now, plentiful, high-speed bandwidth is ushering in a third era, which marks a return to centralized processing power—the cloud—with the crucial difference being that this centralized…

View original post 519 more words

The Long Tail

The secret to creating a thriving Long Tail business can be summarized in two imperatives:

  1. Make everything available.
  2. Help me find it.

The first is easier said than done.
Fewer than a dozen of the 6.000 films submitted to the Sundance Film Festival each year are picked up for distribution, but most of the rest of them cannot be legally shown outside of a festival because their music rights have not been cleared.

Likewise most of the TV programming in the network’s archives: it is too expensive to clear the DVD or streaming distribution rights to the music. Similar rights issues also keep classic music and video games under lock and key.

Until we have some way to clear the rights to all the titles in all the back catalogs–thoughtlessly, automatically, and at industrial scale–legal restrictions will continue to block the growth of the Long Tail.

The second necessary element is moving more quickly.

From collaborative filtering to user ratings, smart aggregators are using recommendations to drive drive demand down the Long Tail. This is the difference between push and pull, between broadcast and personalized taste.

Long Tail businesses treat consumers as individuals, offering mass customization as an alternative to mass-market fare.

For the Entertainment industry, recommendations are a remarkably efficient form of marketing, allowing smaller films and less mainstream music to find an audience.

For consumers, the simplified choice that comes following a good recommendation encourages exploration and can reawaken passions for music and film, potentially creating a far larger market overall.

The collateral cultural benefit is much more diversity, reversing the blanding effects of a century of distribution scarcity and ending the tyranny of the hit centric culture.

Now that you’ve got the big picture, here are nine rules of successful Log Tail aggregators:

1. Move inventory way in … or way out

2. Let the customer do the work

3. One distribution method doesn’t fit all

4. One product doesn’t fit all

5. One price doesn’t fit all

6. Share information (lose control)

7. Think “AND”, not “OR” (think inclusive, not alternative)

8. Trust the market to do your job

9. Understand the power of free

From The Long Tail, Chris Anderson

A Prateleira Infinita

Você pode ainda não ter notado, mas a experiencia de compra virtual é muito diferente da experiencia de compra física, material, em um shopping, kioski, loja conceito, varejista ou qualquer que seja a investida.

Conheça a prateleira infinita.

Na web o consumidor não tem que lidar com nenhum agente de venda — além do website, — tornando a relação de compra o mais impessoal e objetiva possível. Pode-se visitar diversas lojas ao mesmo tempo, procurar por produtos complementares ou substitutos, comparar preços em sistemas de pesquisa que dão uma dimensão do que é a prateleira infinita.

Quando se pensa em opções para a tomada de decisão, a lógica prevalescente é a de que quanto mais melhor. No entanto, a partir de um determinado patamar, ofertas em excesso associadas a má divulgação de informações e critérios, mais atrapalham do que ajudam, tornam algo simples como escolher uma meia em algo complexo, levando a uma decisão que dificilmente será a decisão ideal.

Talvez ao comprar uma meia você não se importe em perder alguns trocados, mas ao comprar um automóvel, um imóvel, efetuar um investimento ou avaliar uma oportunidade, esses erros começam a ter peso ao crescerem junto com o montante, colocando pressão no decisor. Ofertas em excesso invertem a lógica de o quanto mais melhor.

Para organizar a vida de quem compra, o mercado se encarregou de criar os Agregadores; agentes catalizadores de conteúdo, oferecendo suporte à decisão de compra. Natural e intuitivamente os Agregadores se tornaram plataformas colaborativas abertas, agregando a varejistas, marcas, produtos e preço  a avaliação de clientes, nichos de consumidores, identificando clusters que tambem podem ser encarados como comunidades. Comunidades virtuais são um capítulo a parte, e nessa onda tecnológica o mercado como um todo precisou migrar ou migrará para a web por uma questão de sobrevivência.

Importa menos o que você consegue enxerga através dos olhos da sua marca, é preciso pensar que o consumidor esta em posição privilegiada ao ter acesso a informações sobre seus concorrentes diretos e indiretos em suas mãos. Vivemos o dilema da assimetria de informação às avessas, agora atuando em benefício do consumidor e não mais da industria.

Esse é o perfil consumidor da segunda metade do século 21. Precisamos procurar atende-lo da melhor maneira possível e impossível, real e virtual. Mas o principal conceito que suporta a prateleira infinita nas paredes do universo virtual vem do principio da escassez aplicada aos mercados.

Vivíamos em tempos de escassez: escassez de ofertas, de opções, limitados a centenas ou milhares de SKU (Stock Kepeeing Unit) existentes nas pratelerias dos maiores varejistas ou atacadistas regionais. Assim como nossa percepção do mundo, nossa necessidade de consumo se globalizou e expandiu, desbravando os mercados de nicho existentes na cauda da curva de oferta, para a qual não há espaço nas prateleiras das lojas do shopping.

Somando todas as ofertas às quais temos acesso na web em um unico varejista como o Amazon, estaremos procurando produtos em uma prateleira infinita, não limitada ao tamanho de corredores nem a extensão de território. A qualquer momento um pedido de compra pode ser emitido em um dos inúmeros centros de distribuição dessas empresas, e esses produtos podem não estar em seu estoque gigantesco, mas em estoque em algum outro nó dessa rede de varejistas que compõem a prateleira infinita.

Stop watching television

Do yourself a favor and stop watching television.

At least, start getting used to it. Start tuning your own station, a mix of different providers. At work, on transit or home surfing, fine tune the pipe of information the web offers you. Nobody likes one way dialogues.

Television the way it was during the 20th century — commercial since 1920s  — is going to die, as people express themselves, connect, communicate and share through the internet, a very extensive platform, an established entity seeking its public, private and legal bounds in an evolving society. A natural platform for innovation and a disruptive insertion of the 21st century digital revolution.

The web is here to stay, to take the entire social layer to another level, taking also wider aspects like identity, safety, piracy, quality, overload, communities, education, governments, idioms and geographical boundaries, to a level we cannot foreseen now the next 10 years.Don’t waste your time watching the content a single channel provide —  advertisers, faces and causes, — instead, go through a multi leveled perception of the facts.

Give voice to scientists, specialists, consultants, brands, politics, in subjects you didn’t expected. Reach whoever’s at your interest, interacting with your closest circle of  peers through smart devices (touch, voice control, GPS, social networks, photo+audio+video capture and reproduction plus communication),  in private streams customized to specific needs: class room, business projects, life projects, forums, family, mates, dates and prospects.

Think what you want to do. Virtually everything’s possible.