daft punk

Daft Punk

Daft Punk is a duo  of french musicians that released their first album, Homework, in 1997. They have a notorious presence in the scene worldwide, since we listen to it here in Brazil, as well as people in France, Korea, Canada,… and they play for more than a decade. Then I asked myself, why should I blog it here? The answer — or consolation– came with the house beat, the vocoders, electric drums and synthesizers that compose the tracks played in random access memory, their latest album. This is a lot of #technology, in my opinion. And with all of this they deliver an excelent groove a la 70s.

More, but a lot more on the web. Start from Wikipedia>>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daft_Punk, but even YouTube is a good call. Reach, or find the content is not the problem. The problem is find the best content that fits your desires, your moment and aspiration. Very subtle. In a very modern sense, it’s just semantic expression and search engine utilization. And if you cannot find it anywhere, there’s an opportunity to create, because never before has been easier.

Let’s bring even more #technology to this talk. What to say about this superposition between “Loose yourself to dance” (Daft Punk) and this video from Mr. Setevie Wonder — a genious–, Superstition, played in 1972. Both are from the same root (and pitch). Thank God! This is good music. Bounce’n your chair!

Once I heard at television that the movie “The Wizard of Oz” has a perfect match with Pink Floyd’s album, “Dark Side of the Moon”, which I like very much and was the very first album I ever bought in life. Nothing special about it. Have you ever tried? I’ll check at the web.